Friday, 19 February 2021

E-Commerce Data Resources To Scrape In 2021


The E-commerce industry has experienced quicker growth in the last few years. These days, online businesses provide many web data extraction opportunities. As both customers and businesses leave a huge amount of data throughout transactions, all these data can be gathered to have insights and convert them into money-making opportunities.

You can scrape data from almost any e-commerce website using an eCommerce product scraper to good effect. As some websites could be more protective than others, all of them can offer many valuable insights using data. Though, understanding which data resources are the most advantageous for business objectives will enormously improve the productivity of the whole data scraping as well as analysis pipeline. Let’s go through some e-commerce data resources to scrape in 2021.

Understanding Data Resources
Rankings and Keywords

The majority of big-size e-commerce websites have an option of search functioning. So, finding keywords become very easy for any such platform. Knowing how to make sure that the products come first in the inner search results would bring significantly increased revenue to the sellers as well as service providers.

You should scrape two key data resources: keywords for appropriate products as well as their rankings. By merging both these resources, insights in the ranking algorithms could be gained using data analysis. Over time, a properly accurate perception of ranking algorithms can be attained that can be utilized to get revenue.

Generally, if you consider search engine ranks, then ranking in the 1st place compared to 10th place will increase the click-through rates ten times. So, understanding how different search algorithms work in the e-commerce platforms, as well as rank highly, could be a wonderful driving force for the business evolution.

Sellers’ Viewpoint: For people, who want to ensure that their products have the best rankings, extracting data from appropriate categories would be enough. Considering how to lead the ranking competition would be the chief driver of greater revenue generation.

Service Providers’ Viewpoint: People want to sell better rankings as the service would need to scrape maximum data possible. Because of the total data acquired, estimates are expected to be much more accurate compared to extracting some categories. Then the product ranking tactics are tailored to every customer to provide the highest value possible. Although, the reverse engineering costs are expected to be much greater.

Product Id's

Usually, product IDs are an undervalued data source. Although, scraping product ID data with keywords helps data analysts in keeping track of almost all the categories, products, and changes.

Another benefit of scraping product data is the capability of easily keeping track of all changes, which happen to the listings. After mapping applicable data to the IDs, all changes to listings, descriptions, as well as other data could be quickly exposed.

Moreover, mapping IDs, keywords, tracking, and ranking all will reveal different insights into search algorithms of all e-commerce platforms. Fundamentally, e-commerce-SEO methods can be publicized by following different data resources.

Sellers’ Viewpoint: Tracking different product IDs is doubtful to be extremely useful for businesses that not want to sell different SEO services. A slight use case is to keep a simple index about all the competitor products to monitor any changes or newcomers.

Service Providers’ Viewpoint: Scraping e-commerce product ID would be a requirement because of the data amount acquired every day. Analyzing old and new products would be almost impossible without making an index about IDs for particular e-commerce platforms. Making an index would have added benefits of being capable of delivering more precise SEO references for nearly all products.

Bestsellers and Categories

Every e-commerce website separates products into different categories. Every category usually has best sellers. Data about fluctuations, category performance, and pricing can offer business opportunities. Real-time and historical data on different listed products in any category reveals customer sentiments, general pain points, as well as opportunities of entering the market.

Bestsellers are one more wonderful option associated with categories. Scraping e-commerce data on customer reviews, keywords, and sentiments can reveal different reasons for their performance. Then, they can be used to get sold as the service or adapt descriptions, products, and keywords to improve the chances to become a best seller.

Making a best seller needs understanding about two vital facets: the marketing and the product side. Scraping e-commerce product data, as well as ratings, will offer a superior understanding of what makes the best sellers from a development side. Extracting category performance, fluctuations, and rankings will give insights into the marketing sides of producing a best seller. Certainly, price scraping would offer applicable data for both sides.

Sellers’ Viewpoint: Two vectors for the attack are most significant – tracking applicable category bestsellers as well as sold products. If you compare both sides of product development, it will offer important insights to avenue improvement.

Service Providers’ Viewpoint: The majority of these would be covered with scraping product data, keywords, and rankings. Certainly, evaluating the best-selling services or products is a requirement because each business needs to rank higher in all e-commerce platforms. If you can offer actionable advice about how to perform that will certainly put a service provider beyond another.

Future Items

Data is about predictions and modeling. With sufficient data extracted from the e-commerce platforms, estimates can be progressively accurate. Discovering upcoming items could be either one data source or conclusion from presently held sets.

Many e-commerce platforms provide future bestsellers (i.e. those which have rapidly increased in sales). Scraping e-commerce data from all these resources can give insights into market trends and consumer habits. Understanding what items would become popular may have wonderful revenue gains.

Getting upcoming items could be manually done through scraping e-commerce keywords, changing prices, and search volume. By searching data, definite trends could be revealed that might disclose varying consumer habits and sentiments. E-commerce trends scraping is a wonderful way of predicting possible ways of getting business growth.

Sellers’ Viewpoint: In case, an e-commerce website doesn’t offer data on the upcoming items, getting good third-party service providers would be the finest option. Just track on each category for the market movers would likely run the costing too much.

Service Providers’ Viewpoint: In case, the e-commerce website does offer data on the upcoming objects, scraping e-commerce categories as well as products themselves would reveal market trends and changes. Without the data source, you can create it from a huge amount of data as well as sold like services to other companies.

Suppliers and Manufacturers

Suppliers and manufacturers are the niches for data procurement. It needs more legwork for becoming useful and functional however, putting in efforts can bring exceptional business development prospects. Fortunately, there is an ideal starting point because most e-commerce websites list suppliers or manufacturers on a product page.

To match manufacturers with the relevant data, some more advanced crawlers will need to get developed. The majority of e-commerce platforms would only share the names of the suppliers or manufacturers. Other data would need to get attained online or from other sources.

Having access to the databases where manufacturers, products, and suppliers are complemented can have a wonderful impact on business performance. From the capability of finding new suppliers to making superior product supply chains, the advantages can be almost infinite!

Sellers’ Viewpoint: For the majority of sellers, developing superior web crawlers for matching manufacturers, products, as well as suppliers won’t be worthwhile. Management as well as development costs are expected to be higher and will reduce from the key focus of a business.

Service Providers’ Viewpoint: Creating a powerful web data crawler is a wonderful step in the business evolution. Gathering public data from various platforms could be difficult because the crawler would require modifications for collecting and parsing data. Yet, offering access to the manufacturers as well as suppliers would be an extremely valuable feature.


Different review pages are amongst the easiest ways to extract e-commerce data, yet efficient data sources. Reviews and user comments will disclose things about any product, its strengths, and flaws, possible development opportunities, as well as other significant features. Customer sentiments can also disclose the finest marketing angles, necessary additions to the product descriptions, and more.

A supplementary web data crawling layer for more product development might be added through scraping e-commerce off-site customer reviews. Internet users are tending towards leaving different product reviews on different websites. Regularly searching the internet for all mentioned products will offer extra pointers for marketing and product development.

Sellers’ Viewpoint: Creating an easy e-commerce data scraper to monitor applicable product reviews is a well-organized way of keeping track of significant data. Many such tools have been developed to monitor applicable competitor products that can deliver responsiveness about how to develop current as well as future products.

Service Providers’ Viewpoint: Scraping e-commerce reviews is an important component for a business, which offers e-commerce data scraping as a service. Assisting businesses to understand how to approach product development is a reliable way of delivering values to the clients.


These are only some of the possible data resources to get scraped. Honestly, to do data analysis, groupings of various sources are extremely important. A lot of eye-opening business exposures can be revealed through combining as well as analyzing large data sets. Need to start getting data from search engines and e-commerce platforms? Check out the e-commerce data scraping tool from X-Byte Enterprise Crawling or contact us!


Thursday, 18 February 2021

What’s The Future Of Web Scraping For Tyre Pricing Intelligence?


Working with the business of automotive accessories and parts is quite challenging. There are many things needed to be considered and a huge number of products are making things more challenging. From making and models, sizes and dimensions, quality, and offering customers so many options, many things are there, which need notice. Tyre pricing is amongst the hardest challenges, which creates a difficult situation for the business owners and that’s where Tyre Pricing Intelligence has a role to play. Both Pricing Intelligence and web scraping together can find solutions for businesses of automotive parts.

How Web Data Scraping Can Help Tyre Pricing Intelligence?

Let’s understand how web data scraping can help Tyre Pricing Intelligence.

Scrape Competitive Market Data

Market data is important for every business as you have to be aware of what’s happening in the market to continue updating inventories and sock the right products, which sell quickly. Data scraping tools are accessible to assist you in the context because these tools could scrape all the important details online and offer you well-organized data.

Price Monitoring

Pricing is a very important decision to take as you should ensure that you apply a competitive price strategy, which can increase sales as well as the overall productivity of the business. You have to monitor pricing to know the selling price of various products and decide the best pricing to offer.

Better Profit Margins

When you know the charges of your competitors, you can do changes accordingly in your price strategy, give discounts, create offers, when required as well as work to lead the competition. This can help you calculate the profit margins of your business as well as improve it considerably. It is the main reason, why you should implement Tyre Pricing Intelligence and web scraping in the business to enjoy growing profits.

Scrape Product Matching Information

Boundless similar products are having a variety of pricing and you should observe everything. Web data scraping tools scrape matching product information so that it’s easy to do product comparisons with your competitors as well as create full-proof strategies for leading the market.


You should find a dependable web data scraping tool, which can fulfill your business requirements and offer you the required data. X-Byte Enterprise Crawling provides the best Tyre Pricing Intelligence services at unbeatable prices. Contact us to know more.

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Scrape Amazon Product Data (Names, Pricing, Asin, Etc.)

Scrape Amazon Product Data

Amazon provides many services to Prime members. There’s presently no way of just exporting product data from Amazon to the spreadsheet for business requirements that you may have. Either to do comparison shopping, competitor research, or building an API for the app projects.

It’s evident that web scraping can easily solve this problem.

Amazon product data scraping will permit you to choose particular data that you’d wish from the Amazon site into a JSON or spreadsheet file. You may even make an automated procedure, which runs on a daily, weekly, monthly basis for constantly updating your data.

List of Data Fields

With Amazon product data scraping, you can easily scrape data fields like:

  • Product Name
  • Short Description
  • Price
  • Full Product Data
  • Image URLs
  • Ratings
  • Variant ASINs
  • Number of Reviews
  • Sales Rank
  • Link to Different Reviews Pages
If You are Blocked While Scraping Amazon – What to Do?
If-You-are-Blocked-While-Scraping-Amazon-What-to-Do.jpgAmazon is likely to consider you as the “BOT” in the case; you scrape hundreds of pages with different codes. The thought is to avoid having considered as BOT when doing scraping. Let’s see how to do that.
Use Proxies and Turn Them

Scraping hundreds of products from using a laptop that generally has a single IP address, Amazon will understand immediately that a bot is working as any human can’t visit hundreds of pages in one minute. To feel like a human, you need to send requests to Amazon using a pool of different proxies or IP Addresses. The rule here is to get 1 IP address or proxy to make a maximum of 5 requests per minute. /If you are scraping about 100 pages per minute, so you need around 100/5 = 20 Proxies.

Identify the User Agents of Newest Browsers and Replace Them

Like proxies, it is always good to get a group of User Agent Strings. So, ensure that you use user-agent strings of popular and the latest browsers and change the strings for every request you do on Amazon. It is a good idea of creating a combination of (User-Agent and IP Address) in order that it appears more human than the bot.

Lessen the Number of ASINs Extracted Every Minute

You may try to slow down scraping a bit forgiving Amazon lesser chances of considering you like the bot. However, around 5 requests for every IP per minute won’t be much curbing. If you want to go quicker, add additional proxies. You may also change the speed by decreasing or increasing delays in sleep functions.

Retry Repeatedly

When you get blocked by Amazon, ensure that you retry the request. Use code retries straightaway after the scraping fails, you might do even superior job here by making the retry queue through the list, as well as retry after all other products get scraped from Amazon.

How to Extract Amazon Product Data on a Huge Scale?

An Amazon product scraper needs to work for small-scale scraping as well as hobby projects. This may help you start on the road for building bigger as well as superior scrapers. Although, if you need to scrape product information from Amazon for thousands of pages with shorter intervals, consider these important things:

Use Web Scraping Frameworks like Scrapy or PySpider

While crawling a huge website like Amazon, you have to spend some time figuring how to run the whole crawl smoothly. Select an open-source framework to build Amazon data extractor like PySpider or Scrapy that are both based on Python. All these frameworks have active communities as well as can deal with handling many errors, which happen while scraping Amazon site without disturbing an Amazon product API. The majority of them help you utilize different threads for accelerating scraping.

When to Use a Cloud Service Provider?

There are limits to the number of pages you can extract data from Amazon while using one computer. If you use Amazon product data scraping on a big scale, then you require lots of servers to find data inside a sensible time. You might consider hosting an Amazon product data scraper in the cloud as well as utilize scalable versions of a Framework like Scrapy Redis. For bigger crawls, utilize message brokers including Redis, Kafka, and Rabbit MQ for running multiple spider occurrences to accelerate crawls.

Use Schedulers If You Want to Run a Scraper Occasionally

If you use a scraper for getting updated product prices, you should refresh the data frequently for keeping track of different changes. Use Task Scheduler for Windows for scheduling the crawler, in case you use the scripts. If you use Scrapy, then scrapyd+cron can assist in scheduling the spiders so that you can just refresh data at regular intervals.

Use Databases to Store Scraped Data from Amazon

If you scrape a huge number of products from Amazon, then writing data in the file might soon become difficult. Recovering data becomes hard, and you could end up having nonsense within the file while multiple procedures write to one single file. Utilize a database although you are extracting from one computer. MySQL would be fine for reasonable workloads as well as you can utilize easy analytics on scraped data tools including Metabase, Tableau, or PowerBI through connecting them to the database. For bigger write loads, just look into a few NoSQL databases including Cassandra, MongoDB, etc.

Use Proxies, Request Headers, and IP Rotation for Preventing Captchas from Amazon
Use-Proxies-Request-Headers-and-IP-Rotation-for-Preventing-Captchas-from-Amazon.jpgAmazon has many anti-scraping measures. In case, you are scraping Amazon, they can block you immediately and you’ll start getting captchas rather than product pages. To avoid that, while searching every Amazon product page, you should change your headers by replacing the UserAgent value. It makes the requests appear as if they’re coming from the browser and not any script.

To crawl Amazon products on a huge scale, use IP Rotation and Proxies to decrease the number of captchas. You may also utilize python for solving some fundamental captchas through an OCR named Tesseract.

How to Utilize Amazon Product Data?
Track Amazon Products with Price Changes, Stock Availability, Rating, etc.
Track-Amazon-Products-with-Price-Changes-Stock-Availability-Rating-etc.jpgUsing Amazon product data scraper, it’s easy to update data feeds in a timely manner to monitor all product changes. The data feeds can assist you in forming pricing strategies by going through your competition, other brands, and sellers.
Scrape Amazon Product Data Like Names, Pricing, ASIN, etc., Which You Can’t Find with a Product Advertising API

Amazon offers a Product Advertising API, however, like most other APIs, it doesn’t give all the data that Amazon provides on the product page. An Amazon product scraper can assist you in scraping all the information given on a product page.

Study How a Brand Sells on Amazon?

Any retailer should monitor his competitor’s products as well as observe how well they perform in the market as well as make adjustments for repricing and selling the products. You can also use that to track your distribution channels to recognize how the products are getting sold by different sellers on Amazon as well as if this is causing any harm to you.

Get Customer Opinions through Amazon Product Reviews

Reviews provide a huge amount of information. In case, you are targeting a well-established set of sellers that have been selling rational volumes, you may scrape their product reviews to understand what you to avoid as well as what you need can improve on whereas trying to deal with a similar type of products on Amazon.


If you have any questions like how to scrape product data or how to scrape product data and pricing using Python or how to do product pricing and review data scraping, then X-Byte Enterprise Crawling is a perfect solution for you! Scrape Amazon Product Data like Names, Pricing, ASIN, etc. with X-Byte in the best possible manner to get the required results.


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